How sports mom Holli
helped her daughter build confidence and resilience as an elite competitor.

An eMG Success story


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- Holli, mom to middle school athlete Sienna

 “I wanted to ensure that if my children are pursuing a higher level of athletics, they are prepared for the toll that takes on you. Not just physically, but mentally.”

That was when a friend told Holli about her and her daughter’s success with The Elite Mental Game (EMG). Sienna didn’t hesitate when her parents presented the opportunity to level up her mental game. Holli was surprised by how quickly Sienna agreed to it, “It’s almost like she recognized it as a lifeline and admitted she was struggling. That was really impressive to me.”

“Sienna’s very ambitious,” Holli explains, “We told her if she wanted to take it to the next level, she’ll need to do some mental training to better prepare for this pressure.”


Desperate for a solution, Holli considered pulling Sienna out of basketball if things didn’t get better.

“Sienna really was struggling & needed our help.”

As a mom, Holli felt one of the hardest parts was seeing Sienna’s lack of confidence and belief in her abilities. “She was always just so down on herself.”

Alarm bells started ringing for Holli when Sienna admitted she felt her teammates wouldn’t know how much she cared if she didn’t show how angry she was at herself when she made mistakes.

“She’d feel like it was her fault if they didn’t win or if they didn’t win by more.”

The first sign of concern for sports mom Holli was seeing daughter Sienna get openly upset and react angrily on the court if she made a mistake. Her high expectations of herself caused her to lash out in frustration, not just during the game but with her family too.

“It got to the point where Sienna was biting all our heads off on the ride to and from games.” Holli says, “Even if her team won, she was upset if her performance wasn’t up to her standards.”

The truth was Sienna was fighting to deal with pressure from all sides. As a key player on multiple teams, the weight of expectation from her coaches and teammates to consistently deliver something amazing had become unmanageable.



The invisible

As well as many other facets of elite competition

Flipping negative mindsets to create productive self-talk

Letting go of anxiousness, perfectionism and comparison

Recovering quickly from mistakes

Performing under pressure

The training modules in EMG guided Sienna through various strategies that help athletes with challenges, such as:

including pre and post-competitor routines, mistake snapback, goal setting, visualisation, and how to notice, then shift, unproductive thoughts.

EMG athletes achieve these outcomes as they learn to use various tools;

- Holli, Mom of Middle School Athlete, Sienna

“What helped Sienna, too, was the realization that there’s a group
of athletes just like her who are
struggling with similar things.”

“I can see all the little things that Sienna does from EMG to help keep herself calm. That’s been really successful for her.”

Sienna’s teammates, too, have noticed a big difference as her thinking shifted from, “If I’m upset, my team knows how much I care” to realizing that her team looks to her, and when she’s upset, they get discouraged.

Sienna now understands that staying calm and positive is what shows her team that she cares, and they respond much better. Her ability to remain calm and be a leader has positively impacted her team and their successes.

"Sienna was looking for the positive rather than dwelling on mistakes."

Only partway through the program, Holli has noticed a real improvement. Initially, Holli thought Sienna’s apparent progress might be because the team won many of their games, “And so she’s happy, you know? She hadn’t had the chance to test it.”

 However, when Sienna had the opportunity to play at a high school level, Holli saw the real impact of Sienna’s growth. Playing against older girls who were very good, Sienna stayed positive even when they were losing.


A more                       & calm athlete

“She was excited to use the program for more than basketball,” Holli says, “That was a bonus.”

The skills learned through EMG have created an impact beyond Sienna’s sport by helping manage her performance anxiety as a Cellist.

Transferable skills of the emg

“I think a big part of it is understanding that those behaviors are a cry for help and seeing it as that and not taking it personally. That has been a huge benefit in our relationship. And when Sienna dumps all of her stuff on me, all her frustrations, that’s a safe place for her to vent her frustrations and not a bad thing.”

which teaches a framework to moms on how to approach their daughters before, during and after games.

Holli and Sienna have also experienced a positive shift in their relationship
due to EMG

Give her the skills she needs while you get support on
what to say and do to help her on this journey.


Ready to watch           
daughter thrive in her sport?